St Peter's church is part of Wellington Team Churches. You will find details of services here. It also hosts the Langford Budville bell-ringing group. Friends of St Peter's help support the maintenance of this special building.
St Peter & St Paul's church is part of Wellington Team Churches. You will find details of services here.

Langford Budville Jubilee Hall
Langford Budville Jubilee Hall was opened in October 2012 by HRH The Earl of Wessex, following 30 years of fundraising. Visit LBJubileeHall.com. It hosts regular meetings of groups including
short mat bowl, Jackie Douglas yoga and the pop-up Langford Budville Café Plus.
Langford Budville is a two-class primary school. We have high expectations of both the children and staff, striving to ensure that all members of the school community work hard to enable every child to achieve their best. Visit our website here.
Beautifully situated dog friendly cafe with garden and views over the Blackdown Hills. We mix our passion for quality coffee with fresh, seasonal food and delicious home baking. Visit WhitePostCafe.com
Already running The Bear in Wiveliscombe and The Hungry Bear food truck, Millie and Jon knew that Langford Budville needed the Martlet, and they had always had a soft spot for this little bolthole. Having owned and managed pubs for twenty years, they knew just how to bring this beauty back to life. It needed a refresh, a great chef, local produce and warm, friendly staff. They took it on in 2020. Visit TheMartletInn.co.uk
Community Forest Garden and Wildflower Area
The ‘Triangle’ area was purchased by the Parish Council in 1982 for the princely sum of £300 from the Sandford Estate for the benefit of the community. The maintenance of the triangle is the responsibility of the Parish Council and with much effort by various groups of parishioners over the years, has been cleared and landscaped to create the great amenity that it is today. Two projects are underway in this area.
1) Community Forest Garden The wooded area has been largely left to nature becoming overgrown with brambles and smothering ivy as management in the past has been limited. However, this wooded area is now being managed as a forest garden by the community. It aims to create a wildlife- encouraging habitat: specifically birds, insects and small mammals by using forest garden principles which favour productive species: nuts, fruit, flower nectar and leaf crop.
2) Wildflower Mini Meadow In 2022 a wildflower area or mini-meadow on the Triangle was initiated. Thanks to the huge effort of a large group of green fingered volunteers a diverse range of local wildflower species have been introduced to the area via seed and plant propagation and it is hoped that over time these will naturally seed across the area. As the grass grows, pathways are mown and maintained to create walkways to provide a welcoming, attractive, educational area of native wildflowers and grasses. The area is then cut on annual basis using traditional scything. It is hoped these two areas will provide both outdoor educational spaces, somewhere for peaceful contemplation, and a bountiful oasis for birds and insects. All enthusiastic people are welcome to join in and get involved so if you are keen to be involved in these projects, please email Christine for more information.
Greener Gardening Group
The Green Gardening Group aims to celebrate the joys of gardening and combine them with ways of reducing impacts on climate change, and contributing to biodiversity. Since this relaxed and friendly group started, we’ve had a variety of speakers on many topics including composting, ferns, propagation, and insects as pollinators. We also visited the newly planted Forest Garden in Fox’s Field Wellington- an initiative of Transition Town Wellington. Experts, beginners and everyone in between are welcome. We generally meet every two months in the Martlet on a Monday evening. Full details will be in Round About, or for more information contact Sarah.
Langford Budville Conservation Group
The mission is to get outdoors, get physical, get to know each other and get a better, more diverse Langford Budville! We meet at least once a month, usually on the first Monday of the month and undertake all sorts of tasks. Some recent tasks include tree planting, bracken bashing, clearing invasive species and also a scything course. Anyone is welcome to pop along to lend a hand and have a chat. Please email Ian to find out more.
One person's trash is another's treasure! This WhatsApp group allows parishioners to pass unwanted 'treasures' on to their neighbours, saving us all money and landfill. Email Greener.LB.Info@gmail.com for info.
Wildflower Group
Plants are the start of all life. Awareness, knowledge and recording of what grows and where
it grows is important on any scale, and it’s beginning on a small scale in our Parish. The
parish is lucky to contain a large nature reserve, Langford Heathfield, containing many
different woodland and open areas. It is one of the few sites in the county for Petty Whin,
and probably the only site for the Pale Dog Violet.
This is a great opportunity to share your finds with others, or ask for help with identification
and we hope to involve as many people as possible in some mapping and recording of local
plants when they are in flower.
Would you like to know who found the first bluebell in flower, and when? Will Julian’s
first flowering record of an Early Purple Orchid ever be beaten?
Open up the Parish Records here.
Email Christine for more info or if you'd like to get involved.
Langford Budville Wildlife Map
Click on the map to reveal our wealth of local living treasures.
If you’ve ever come across an interesting plant or feature of nature and been seized by curiosity - you’ve come to the right spot. Welcome to the first of our ‘Citizen Science’ projects. We are trying to build a biodiversity map of the entire parish, recording all the wildlife that we can find, along with its seasonal variations. With just your smartphone and enthusiasm you can help.
Using the smartphone apps iNaturalist and Seek, anyone can contribute to our steadily growing biodiversity map of the area.Take the best close up photo that you can of an interesting animal, plant or other wildlife, and use the Seek app to identify it. The iNaturalist app will send your record to the website, a global library of wildlife observations. You can explore an interactive map of these observations either on your home computer or smart device, via the iNaturalist website and app.
Other clubs & societies
Langford Budville has a thriving selection of clubs and societies, ranging from groups that meet regularly to informative WhatsApp groups. Among them are the Conservation Group, Wildlife Recording, Greener Gardening Group, Plants Group, the Trash2Treasure Group, the Forest Garden and Jubilee Wood.
Langford Ladies
The Langford Ladies has been running in the village since 1964. We are an informal group of approximately 30, meeting on the third Wednesday of the month in the evening either in our homes, or (depending on numbers) the village hall or on organised visits. We have no committee so decide on the programme for the year at our meal in January, when ideas are suggested and members offer to organise them. We have a varied programme including walks, talks, book discussion, workshops, theatre trips, treasure hunts, garden visits, BBQs and a Christmas party. Contact Lynne Moore lynneandkeith@googlemail.com 01823 400665 or Margaret Brown margaret.jbrown@icloud.com 01823 400510
Transition Town Wellington
We are lucky to have an incredible variety of community groups in the wider area. One of these is Transition Town Wellington, a very 'grass roots' organisation with a proactive and optimistic focus on building an engaged, resilient and sustainable future.
Friendship Circle
The Friendship Circle is a social club whose aim is to bring local people together, build a sense of community and alleviate rural isolation. We meet fortnightly to enjoy informal coffee & chats, quizzes & competitions, interesting demos & speakers, outings and special events that often involve gorgeous food. Our meetings are on alternate Friday mornings, usually at 11am, at the Jubilee Hall. If interested, please contact Pam Farr (chair) on pjayfarr@gmail.com or check Roundabout for info on up-coming meetings.
The Community Noticeboard
The community noticeboard is a read-only WhatsApp group where relevant news and information is posted, such as reminders about upcoming community events, road closures, or parish updates. This is open to all parishioners - for the sake of trust and respect we ask that members share their name and the general locality of their home. For further information, or to join, please email Josh at One.Planet.LB@gmail.com