The Parish Council usually meets on the second Monday of every other month (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov) at the Jubilee Hall 6.30-8pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend, contribute and listen in to the meetings, so do please pop along.
There are always a few tasks in-hand around the parish, from clearing vegetation, sanding down benches, litter picking or repainting fingerposts, to helping out with community events. Every offer of help is appreciated and warmly welcomed. Please drop us a line, or come and say hello if you have a spare hour or two and are keen to support the parish.
In Autumn 2024 we ran a traffic survey. Results can be found here
If you see a pothole, the link to report is here: https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/potholes-and-road-damage/
If you notice a footpath issue, the link to report is here: https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/report-a-problem-with-a-public-right-of-way/
As you will see from the Greener LB page, the PC is keen to support the community in moving towards becoming a more sustainable parish.
Wherever possible the PC is keen to support activities that contribute to becoming a more sustainable parish.
We are piloting a change in the maintenance of the Triangle to reduce carbon and cost promote biodiversity.
With funding from the Woodland Trust, we are supporting the development of a new Jubilee Wood.
You can download our sustainability commitment here - we welcome your thoughts.
In 2022 the PC and the Village Hall Committee set up the Langford Budville Community Fund. This is open to any parishioner to support small local community projects and events up to £100 in value. If you’d like to do something for the benefit of the parish and its people, from easter eggs hunts to picnics, from flower beds to new clubs, please ask the community fund for support. Fundraising and donations have been pooled in this community fund designed to help new ideas get off the ground.
For more information, you can email LBCommunityFund@Tutanota.com.
To apply for community funding, please download this form or contact the PC Clerk for more details.
​​​The Community Noticeboard:
The community noticeboard is a read-only WhatsApp group where relevant news and information is posted, such as reminders about upcoming community events, road closures, or parish updates. This is open to all parishioners - for the sake of trust and respect we ask that members share their name and the locality of their home. For further information, or to join, please email Josh at One.Planet.LB@gmail.com​
Your Parish Councillors:
Derek Sowden, chairperson lyndhurstb10r293@yahoo.com
Theresa Jacoby, councillor tmbjacoby@gmail.com
Fiona Barber, councillor fionabarber40@hotmail.com
Jon Moise- Souch, councillor JonSouch@moorlandfed.co.uk
Graham Warner, councillor grahamwarneruk@hotmail.com
Helen Chadwick, clerk langfordbudvillepc@gmail.com
Register of interests can be found here
Other local representatives and officers:
Gwil Wren, Somerset Council gwil.wren@somerset.gov.uk
Dave Mansell, Somerset Council dave.mansell@somerset.gov.uk
Zenah Rowe, footpath officer
Tim Dyer, tree officer
Clerk to the Council: Helen Chadwick, Hatch Green Farm, Hatch Beauchamp TA3 6TL. Tel: 07879 695904. Email: langfordbudvillepc@gmail.com
Monday 8 January 2025 agenda
Monday 22 April 2024 agenda (postponed from 8 April)| minutes
Below are links to the Langford Budville Parish Council financials and annual governance and accountability return 2023/24:
Annual governance statement 2023/24
Below are links to the Langford Budville Parish Council financials and annual governance and accountability return 2022/23:
Annual governance statement 2022/23
Below are links to the Langford Budville Parish Council financials and annual governance and accountability return 2021/22:
An Annual Parish Meeting is held each year in May. Links to minutes are below: